What’s In The Box?

Local Produce

  • Seasonal produce grown locally (set boxes)

  • No harsh pesticides, herbicides or fungicides

  • Freshly picked and delivered within a day or two to assure the highest nutrients

  • The contents of the boxes vary depending on season. Please note, our set boxes cannot be modified.


  • Deliveries to doorstep available from Cowaramup to Witchcliffe

  • Drop off and pick up locations can be organized for those who live outside of this region

  • Produce carries drastically less percentage of cost attributed to transportation costs, meaning more money for the farmer and less on labor and transport costs

 Noongar Seasons

  • Each 8-9 week food box season aligns with one of the six Noongar seasons

  • In each season, we grant access to information on each respective season to our members

  • We are working closely and consistently to provide deeper connections between our community and the First People of this land

Member Exclusives

  • Storage suggestion to get the most nutritional value out of your weekly produce drop

  • Information on who grew your food, where and how

  • New recipes every week