Farming Our Future

 We hate to be all doom and gloom but we need to get very real very fast on the hard truths we face.

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As of 2019, there are 25.36 million people living in Australia.

Which means that a mere 2%, 50,7200 farmers support millions of people.

Our farmers supply a whopping 93% of our food supply. With the nature of rural communities changing we are seeing bigger farms, fewer farms, fewer people and close knit communities becoming a rarity. Farmers incomes are declining and the sector is shrinking. Any future gains from the further industrialization of agriculture is often squeezed from the farmers pocket.

Natural Farming

We endeavor to support the natural farming movement by supporting education and start up assistance for young farmers who would like to join the cause. Australian farmers are getting older, with the latest survey data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics finding the average farmer is 56-years-old. That's up from 54-years-old less than a decade ago, and is 17 years older than average Australian worker who is 39 years old.

Those who will take on the honor of being our future farmers will be assisted and supported wherever practicable to assist with success in their endeavors.


“We do not inherit the earth we borrow it from our grandchildren.”


 How We Can Help

We endeavor to aid the next generation of farmers, as they are our future. Each of our Farmers are open and willing to teach the tools of the trade, if you are interested request to contact a farmer of your liking on their farmer profiles. Alongside this, in the future the NFA plans to educate those planning to become farmers and support them every step of the way. If you are interested in our future programs and support fill out the form below and answer the questions.

Do you have any previous experience farming?

What draws you to farming?

Is farming a long term commitment of yours?

Are you happy to volunteer to work and learn?

Where are you based?

"My grandfather used to say that once in your life you need a doctor, a lawyer, a policeman, and a preacher. But every day, three times a day, you need a farmer."