Why Natural Farming Alliance?

We stand with farmers ability to produce and supply robust produce to communities easily. We stand for an independent food supply chain, sustained by a diversity of natural farming practices. We stand by peoples innate right to know where there food has come from and shake the hand that feeds them.

Look in your fridge, do you know who grew that lettuce? What about the strawberries that are slightly mouldy? Most Australians would answer easily. Of course I dont, and we see this as a huge loss. Once upon a time you used to run into the farmer at the market, ask them how the food was grown why its a different colour from last year, if they were using pesticides or what farming practices they were using. Communities were once linked to farmers, and they were respected.

Farmers now are far from the communities they feed, and now more than ever we need them in our social hubs. NFA connects farmers with the community using an online marketplace. You can see the farmers and their farms on their profile and better yet contact them to ask questions, perhaps go out there one day and build a relationship with them.

Community Connection

Farmers Cut

Conventional farmers will tell you there’s no money in farming. In real terms Australian farmers income has declined over the past 40 years. farmers terms of trade- the ratio of prices received to prices paid - are dismal. There is a long term decline of 1.8 % annually between 1970 and 2010 of farmers earnings. In real terms the price farmers receive for their product has declined significantly, while their costs to produce food has increased. Farmers no say over the prices paid for their product. poor returns affect the viability of Australian farmers, this impacts the quality and integrity of the food produced. The reason why farmers cuts are so low include;

  • Supermarkets will set prices and often take around 50% of the profit

  • The cost of food also includes the cost of food distribution which covers transportation costs

  • Conventional farmers often use Herbicides, Pesticides and Fungicides which carry burdensome costs

NFA uses a Community Supported Agriculture practice, meaning the farmer gets their money up front as a new season begins. This allows them to budget and take more earnings ahead of the season. There is no middle man other than NFA, which serves as a buffer between you and the farmer, NFA takes on the role of organizing and distributing produce which cuts down on transportation and labor costs dramatically. NFA has and will always favor farmers who farm using natural farming practices, devoid of harmful chemicals which also cuts farmers costs and heightens your health.

Food waste, whether it be food that never leaves the farm, food that is lost during transport, or food that is wasted from the hospitality sector and households, has significant economic and environmental impacts. 1/3 of the worlds food is wasted, Costs Australia $20 billion each year making up 7.3 million tonnes of food wasted each year. Why?

Food is lost or wasted for a variety of reasons: processing problems, overproduction and unstable markets cause food loss long before it arrives in a grocery store, while overbuying, poor planning and confusion over labels and safety contribute to food waste at stores and in homes. Most of these problems would be solved if people had a stronger connection to those growing and distributing their food.

NFA stands with increased freshness, food will not be wasted as you will receive produce that was picked a few days before, not weeks. With your weekly box of goodness you receive recipes and food storage suggestions to use which also cuts down on food waste.

Freshness & Food Waste